Sunday, March 2, 2008

Last Night...

Conversation with the boy.
Him-- at a "dorm party," couldn't hear me over the commotion "Chug it, Jenny.... Who wants to play strip beer pong... Shh I think I hear the R.A.," started to say "I don't know, I'm not sure what I want..."
Me-- in a cab on my way back from Gallery Hop, tingling from the spider roll, twin dragon roll, Lycheelicious martini(s), asked him "Can you go somewhere so I can hear you," heard myself say "We could make an appearance at the dorms," realized what I just said, stopped his rambling with "Call me when you do know..."

A term I learned on "In Treatment" the other night: erotic transference-- common occurrence in psychotherapy in which a patient projects positive feelings and qualities associated with their parents onto the therapist, mistaking the connection for romantic love.

A question for my hypothetical therapist: What exactly am I doing?

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I experience erotic transference on a daily basis. With therapists, teachers, little old ladies on the street, Sally Field. You name it. I might be experiencing it right now.