Friday, February 1, 2008


There's a girl posing as me as someone else....
or something like that.
She was spotted...

One month ago. Running through the streets of Granada, España at 7 a.m., pretending to hotwire motos, one hand nestled in Alejandro's, the other swinging a clutch that held the crumpled notes for my 10:30 a.m. European Union final exam, singing "Alegría..."

Two days ago. Watching inches of my hair fall to the ground as her's took on the form of a choppy bob. Responding elaborately to the awkward repeated questions of a stylist who was too busy to make the drastic change a less-than-traumatic, let alone enjoyable experience. Calling my sister on the drive home to recount the tale. Laughing when she seemed concerned, "I'm not too worried, it's just hair, Lin."

Last night. Back in Ohio. Standing in the rain at the entrance to a campus bar, staring right through a large, burly man, smiling big, lying through my teeth, "5,6... I'm in heels... see? Aren't they cute? No, they're actually brown, but I'm wearing contacts. This is my friend Hailey. Her eyes are really green under those baby blues. Cool, right?"

Earlier today. Snuggling on the couch, still in my pajamas, watching Lucky Number Sleven, and Grandma's Boy, and only getting up to walk down the street and pay my rent.

An hour ago. Lying half-nude on my bed, legs kicking in the air, performing the "Look-how-I-can-no-longer-get-these-pants-zipped dance" for my wildly amused roommate, laughing as she bent way over to reveal my newly-gained version of a love handle, explaining to Hailey, or maybe to me, "I bought these jeans two months and ten pounds ago in Spain, and they're not the only thing that doesn't seem to fit anymore."